I've been cleaning out my bookshelves lately as I try to pare down the amount of "stuff" we have. Here are a few of the books I need to rehome. If you are interested, you can post here or email me at leslie_warren@bellsouth.net
MATHEMATICSAll books are free, just pay media mail shipping:-Primary Mathmatics (Singapore Math) 2B Third Edition ISBN: 9810181663
-Primary Mathmatics (Singapore Math) 4A Textbook US Edition (some pencil markings on about 10 pgs) ISBN: 9810185065
-Primary Mathmatics (Singapore Math) 4B Third Edition - 2 copies ISBN: 9810180829
-Saxon Math 54 ISBN: 1565770331
-Practical Math Skills: Situations-Strategies-Solutions (grades 1-3) ISBN: 0866534644
LANGUAGE ARTS$2 apiece plus media mail shipping (or all three for $10 PPD):-Classic Curriculum- Writing Series 1 Book 3 by Mott Media ISBN: 0880622180
-Classic Curriculum- Writing Series 2 Book 1 by Mott Media ISBN: 0880622202
-Classic Curriculum- Reading Series 1 Book 3 by Mott Media ISBN: 0880622024
$7 plus media mail shipping for all Shurley materials:
-Shurley English Homeschooling Grammar & Composition Level 4 Teacher’s Manual (with cd) *includes Practice Booklet (1/2 written in & in very used condition) & Student Workbook (1/2 written in) & Jingles ISBN: 1585610364
$2 plus media mail shipping:-Literature-Based Multicultural Activities: An Integrated Approach (Grades K-3) ISBN: 0590431857
SOCIAL STUDIES$2 plus media mail shipping:-Clearly Social Studies Grade 1 ISBN: 0768206294