Monday, August 10, 2009

Let's Go To. . .Ancient Egypt

I am going to be using Tapestry of Grace with the boys this year. We are going to be in Year One studying Ancient Egypt first. Found some great links I thought I'd share with you:

Write Your Name in Heiroglyphs
Guardian's Ancient Egypt Kid Connection- TONS of links: Build Your Own Mummy, Build a Scale- Model Pyramid, quizzes
Cleveland Museum of Art Egyptomania
Ancient Egypt for Kids
Ancient Egypt for Kids- Woodlands Junior School
Ancient Egypt on Kids Konnect- tons of links

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Super Bubbles with Daddy

My mother (aka "Mimi") brought home a huge bubble wand for the boys from her trip to Delaware. Of course I couldn't figure out how to assemble the wand, so we needed Daddy. Lucky for us, Daddy made a super bubble solution too!!! (See the bottom of the post for a super bubble recipe)
Dalton makes a silly face, while Keegan gives him bunny ears ;)
The boys discovered that if they stuck their hands in the bubble tub, they could blow bubbles in their hands. Keegan insisted I take videos of his bubble discovery.

So, what is this magic bubble recipe?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

2009-10 Curriculum Outline

C- On Tablets of Human Hearts
K- 1 OT & 1 NT story/ week
Mother Stories from the Old Testament
Mother Stories from the New Testament
The Children’s Six Minutes

More Goops and How Not to Be Them

C- CEM Year 5 (1 sec/ day x 4 days)
Houghton Mifflin 4
K- CEM Year 2 (1 sec/day x 4 days)
Houghton Mifflin 1
Once a week-Living Math!

Tapestry of Grace materials
Independent reading
Read-aloud (lunchtime?)
Our Little Egyptian Cousin

Tapestry of Grace
pen pals
Narration- Tuesday, Thursday

Leaves of Life
Copywork: Bible, Poetry, Literature, History
Write From Ancient History

Tapestry of Grace

supplement TOG w/ :
Online Grammar & Writing Handbook-
Grade 1
Grade 4

Tapestry of Grace Wk 1
Wk 2
Wk 3
Rest of the weeks in Unit 1
Fridays- Florida History- 1 unit per 9 weeks
**with textbook at home, real living/field trips

Tapestry of Grace

The Outdoor Hour
w/ Handbook of Nature Study
Hands-On Chemistry Experiments-Grades K-2
(on Adobe Digital Editions)